Volley(二)—— 基本Request对象 & RequestQueue&请求取消
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详细解读Volley(一)—— 基本Request对象 & RequestQueue&请求取消

  Volley它非常适合去进行数据量不大,但通信频繁的网络操作,而对于大数据量的网络操作,比如说下载文件等,Volley的表现就会非常糟糕。 所以不建议用它去进行下载文件、加载大图的操作。有人可能会问,如果我服务器中的图片都挺大的,activity中listview要加载这些图片,是不 是不能用这个框架呢?其实这个问题本身就是错误的,你想如果你服务器的图片都是大图,你要在手机上用照片墙进行展示,下载图片都会慢的要死,这个本身就是 不可行的。所以在项目初期就应该建立好服务器端的小图,照片墙用加载小图,点击后再从网络上下载大图,这才是正确思路。这时你就可以用volley加载小 图了,如果是要加载大图,可以用别的算法,强烈建议手动完成大图清除的工作,否则很可能会出现OOM。Volley本身没有做什么回收算法,还是用最基本 的GC,实际使用中可以根据需要自定义一下。



git clone https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/volley



public class MyApplication extends Application {    public static RequestQueue requestQueue; @Override public void onCreate() { super.onCreate(); // 不必为每一次HTTP请求都创建一个RequestQueue对象,推荐在application中初始化 requestQueue = Volley.newRequestQueue(this); } }

既然是Http操作,自然有请求和响应,RequestQueue是一个请求队列 对象,它可以缓存所有的HTTP请求,然后按照一定的算法并发地发出这些请求。RequestQueue内部的设计就是非常合适高并发的,因此我们不必为 每一次HTTP请求都创建一个RequestQueue对象,这是非常浪费资源的。所以在这里我建立了一个application,然后用单例模式定义了 这个对象。当然,你可以选择在一个activity中定义一个RequestQueue对象,但这样可能会比较麻烦,而且还可能出现请求队列包含 activity强引用的问题,因此我还是推荐在application中定义。



前 面定义了请求对象,那么自然就有接收响应的对象了,这个框架中有多个响应对象,像StringRequest接受到的响应就是string类型 的;JsonRequest接收的响应就是Json类型对象。其实它们都是继承自Request<T>,然后根据不同的响应数据来进行特殊的 处理。


2.1 初始化

/**     * Creates a new request with the given method.     *     * @param method the request {
@link Method} to use * @param url URL to fetch the string at * @param listener Listener to receive the String response * @param errorListener Error listener, or null to ignore errors */ public StringRequest(int method, String url, Listener
listener, ErrorListener errorListener)
/**     * Creates a new GET request.     *     * @param url URL to fetch the string at     * @param listener Listener to receive the String response * @param errorListener Error listener, or null to ignore errors */ public StringRequest(String url, Listener
listener, ErrorListener errorListener) { this(Method.GET, url, listener, errorListener); }






StringRequest getStringRequest = new StringRequest("http://www.baidu.com", new ResponseListener(), new ResponseErrorListener());
StringRequest postStringRequest = new StringRequest(Method.POST, "http://www.baidu.com", new ResponseListener(),null);


2.2 配置监听器

/**     * @author:Jack Tony     * @description  :设置响应结果监听器,因为用的是StringRequest,所以这里的结果我定义为string类型     * @date  :2015年1月24日     */    private class ResponseListener implements Response.Listener
{ @Override public void onResponse(String response) { // TODO 自动生成的方法存根 Log.d("TAG", "-------------\n" + response); } } /** * @author:Jack Tony * @description :访问出错时触发的监听器 * @date :2015年1月28日 */ private class ResponseErrorListener implements Response.ErrorListener{ @Override public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) { // TODO 自动生成的方法存根 Log.e("TAG", error.getMessage(), error); } }



2.3 执行GET请求




RequestQueue mQueue = MyApplication.requestQueue;        StringRequest getStringRequest = new StringRequest("http://www.baidu.com", new ResponseListener(), new ResponseErrorListener());        mQueue.add(getStringRequest);



2.4 执行POST请求


StringRequest stringRequest = new StringRequest(Method.POST, url,  listener, errorListener) {      @Override      protected Map
getParams() throws AuthFailureError { Map
map = new HashMap
(); map.put("params1", "value1"); map.put("params2", "value2"); return map; } };

这 样就传入了value1和value2两个参数了。现在可能有人会问为啥这个框架不提供这个传参的方法,还非得让我们重写。我个人觉得这个框架本身的目的 就是执行频繁的网络请求,比如下载图片,解析json数据什么的,用GET就能很好的实现了,所以就没有提供传参的POST方法。为了简单起见,我重写了 Request类中的getParams(),添加了传参的方法,以后通过setParams()就可以传参数了。


mParams = null; /** * Returns a Map of parameters to be used for a POST or PUT request. Can throw * {
@link AuthFailureError} as authentication may be required to provide these values. * *

Note that you can directly override { @link #getBody()} for custom data.

* * @throws AuthFailureError in the event of auth failure */ protected Map
getParams() throws AuthFailureError { return mParams; } public void setParams(Map
params){ mParams = params; }



/* * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */package com.android.volley;import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;import java.net.URLEncoder;import java.util.Collections;import java.util.Map;import android.net.TrafficStats;import android.net.Uri;import android.os.Handler;import android.os.Looper;import android.os.SystemClock;import android.text.TextUtils;import com.android.volley.VolleyLog.MarkerLog;/** * Base class for all network requests. * * @param 
The type of parsed response this request expects. */public abstract class Request
implements Comparable
> { /** * Default encoding for POST or PUT parameters. See {
@link #getParamsEncoding()}. */ private static final String DEFAULT_PARAMS_ENCODING = "UTF-8"; /** * Supported request methods. */ public interface Method { int DEPRECATED_GET_OR_POST = -1; int GET = 0; int POST = 1; int PUT = 2; int DELETE = 3; int HEAD = 4; int OPTIONS = 5; int TRACE = 6; int PATCH = 7; } /** An event log tracing the lifetime of this request; for debugging. */ private final MarkerLog mEventLog = MarkerLog.ENABLED ? new MarkerLog() : null; /** * Request method of this request. Currently supports GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS, * TRACE, and PATCH. */ private final int mMethod; /** URL of this request. */ private final String mUrl; /** Default tag for {
@link TrafficStats}. */ private final int mDefaultTrafficStatsTag; /** Listener interface for errors. */ private final Response.ErrorListener mErrorListener; /** Sequence number of this request, used to enforce FIFO ordering. */ private Integer mSequence; /** The request queue this request is associated with. */ private RequestQueue mRequestQueue; /** Whether or not responses to this request should be cached. */ private boolean mShouldCache = true; /** Whether or not this request has been canceled. */ private boolean mCanceled = false; /** Whether or not a response has been delivered for this request yet. */ private boolean mResponseDelivered = false; // A cheap variant of request tracing used to dump slow requests. private long mRequestBirthTime = 0; /** Threshold at which we should log the request (even when debug logging is not enabled). */ private static final long SLOW_REQUEST_THRESHOLD_MS = 3000; /** The retry policy for this request. */ private RetryPolicy mRetryPolicy; /** * When a request can be retrieved from cache but must be refreshed from * the network, the cache entry will be stored here so that in the event of * a "Not Modified" response, we can be sure it hasn't been evicted from cache. */ private Cache.Entry mCacheEntry = null; /** An opaque token tagging this request; used for bulk cancellation. */ private Object mTag; /** * Creates a new request with the given URL and error listener. Note that * the normal response listener is not provided here as delivery of responses * is provided by subclasses, who have a better idea of how to deliver an * already-parsed response. * * @deprecated Use {
@link #Request(int, String, com.android.volley.Response.ErrorListener)}. */ @Deprecated public Request(String url, Response.ErrorListener listener) { this(Method.DEPRECATED_GET_OR_POST, url, listener); } /** * Creates a new request with the given method (one of the values from {
@link Method}), * URL, and error listener. Note that the normal response listener is not provided here as * delivery of responses is provided by subclasses, who have a better idea of how to deliver * an already-parsed response. */ public Request(int method, String url, Response.ErrorListener listener) { mMethod = method; mUrl = url; mErrorListener = listener; setRetryPolicy(new DefaultRetryPolicy()); mDefaultTrafficStatsTag = findDefaultTrafficStatsTag(url); } /** * Return the method for this request. Can be one of the values in {
@link Method}. */ public int getMethod() { return mMethod; } /** * Set a tag on this request. Can be used to cancel all requests with this * tag by {
@link RequestQueue#cancelAll(Object)}. * * @return This Request object to allow for chaining. */ public Request
setTag(Object tag) { mTag = tag; return this; } /** * Returns this request's tag. * @see Request#setTag(Object) */ public Object getTag() { return mTag; } /** * @return this request's {
@link com.android.volley.Response.ErrorListener}. */ public Response.ErrorListener getErrorListener() { return mErrorListener; } /** * @return A tag for use with {
@link TrafficStats#setThreadStatsTag(int)} */ public int getTrafficStatsTag() { return mDefaultTrafficStatsTag; } /** * @return The hashcode of the URL's host component, or 0 if there is none. */ private static int findDefaultTrafficStatsTag(String url) { if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(url)) { Uri uri = Uri.parse(url); if (uri != null) { String host = uri.getHost(); if (host != null) { return host.hashCode(); } } } return 0; } /** * Sets the retry policy for this request. * * @return This Request object to allow for chaining. */ public Request
setRetryPolicy(RetryPolicy retryPolicy) { mRetryPolicy = retryPolicy; return this; } /** * Adds an event to this request's event log; for debugging. */ public void addMarker(String tag) { if (MarkerLog.ENABLED) { mEventLog.add(tag, Thread.currentThread().getId()); } else if (mRequestBirthTime == 0) { mRequestBirthTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); } } /** * Notifies the request queue that this request has finished (successfully or with error). * *

Also dumps all events from this request's event log; for debugging.

*/ void finish(final String tag) { if (mRequestQueue != null) { mRequestQueue.finish(this); } if (MarkerLog.ENABLED) { final long threadId = Thread.currentThread().getId(); if (Looper.myLooper() != Looper.getMainLooper()) { // If we finish marking off of the main thread, we need to // actually do it on the main thread to ensure correct ordering. Handler mainThread = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()); mainThread.post(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { mEventLog.add(tag, threadId); mEventLog.finish(this.toString()); } }); return; } mEventLog.add(tag, threadId); mEventLog.finish(this.toString()); } else { long requestTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - mRequestBirthTime; if (requestTime >= SLOW_REQUEST_THRESHOLD_MS) { VolleyLog.d("%d ms: %s", requestTime, this.toString()); } } } /** * Associates this request with the given queue. The request queue will be notified when this * request has finished. * * @return This Request object to allow for chaining. */ public Request
setRequestQueue(RequestQueue requestQueue) { mRequestQueue = requestQueue; return this; } /** * Sets the sequence number of this request. Used by {
@link RequestQueue}. * * @return This Request object to allow for chaining. */ public final Request
setSequence(int sequence) { mSequence = sequence; return this; } /** * Returns the sequence number of this request. */ public final int getSequence() { if (mSequence == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("getSequence called before setSequence"); } return mSequence; } /** * Returns the URL of this request. */ public String getUrl() { return mUrl; } /** * Returns the cache key for this request. By default, this is the URL. */ public String getCacheKey() { return getUrl(); } /** * Annotates this request with an entry retrieved for it from cache. * Used for cache coherency support. * * @return This Request object to allow for chaining. */ public Request
setCacheEntry(Cache.Entry entry) { mCacheEntry = entry; return this; } /** * Returns the annotated cache entry, or null if there isn't one. */ public Cache.Entry getCacheEntry() { return mCacheEntry; } /** * Mark this request as canceled. No callback will be delivered. */ public void cancel() { mCanceled = true; } /** * Returns true if this request has been canceled. */ public boolean isCanceled() { return mCanceled; } /** * Returns a list of extra HTTP headers to go along with this request. Can * throw {
@link AuthFailureError} as authentication may be required to * provide these values. * @throws AuthFailureError In the event of auth failure */ public Map
getHeaders() throws AuthFailureError { return Collections.emptyMap(); } /** * Returns a Map of POST parameters to be used for this request, or null if * a simple GET should be used. Can throw {
@link AuthFailureError} as * authentication may be required to provide these values. * *

Note that only one of getPostParams() and getPostBody() can return a non-null * value.

* @throws AuthFailureError In the event of auth failure * * @deprecated Use {
@link #getParams()} instead. */ @Deprecated protected Map
getPostParams() throws AuthFailureError { return getParams(); } /** * Returns which encoding should be used when converting POST parameters returned by * { @link #getPostParams()} into a raw POST body. * *

This controls both encodings: *

  1. The string encoding used when converting parameter names and values into bytes prior * to URL encoding them.
  2. *
  3. The string encoding used when converting the URL encoded parameters into a raw * byte array.
  4. *
* * @deprecated Use { @link #getParamsEncoding()} instead. */ @Deprecated protected String getPostParamsEncoding() { return getParamsEncoding(); } /** * @deprecated Use { @link #getBodyContentType()} instead. */ @Deprecated public String getPostBodyContentType() { return getBodyContentType(); } /** * Returns the raw POST body to be sent. * * @throws AuthFailureError In the event of auth failure * * @deprecated Use { @link #getBody()} instead. */ @Deprecated public byte[] getPostBody() throws AuthFailureError { // Note: For compatibility with legacy clients of volley, this implementation must remain // here instead of simply calling the getBody() function because this function must // call getPostParams() and getPostParamsEncoding() since legacy clients would have // overridden these two member functions for POST requests. Map
postParams = getPostParams(); if (postParams != null && postParams.size() > 0) { return encodeParameters(postParams, getPostParamsEncoding()); } return null; } Map
mParams = null; /** * Returns a Map of parameters to be used for a POST or PUT request. Can throw * { @link AuthFailureError} as authentication may be required to provide these values. * *

Note that you can directly override { @link #getBody()} for custom data.

* * @throws AuthFailureError in the event of auth failure */ protected Map
getParams() throws AuthFailureError { return mParams; } public void setParams(Map
params){ mParams = params; } /** * Returns which encoding should be used when converting POST or PUT parameters returned by * { @link #getParams()} into a raw POST or PUT body. * *

This controls both encodings: *

  1. The string encoding used when converting parameter names and values into bytes prior * to URL encoding them.
  2. *
  3. The string encoding used when converting the URL encoded parameters into a raw * byte array.
  4. *
*/ protected String getParamsEncoding() { return DEFAULT_PARAMS_ENCODING; } /** * Returns the content type of the POST or PUT body. */ public String getBodyContentType() { return "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=" + getParamsEncoding(); } /** * Returns the raw POST or PUT body to be sent. * *

By default, the body consists of the request parameters in * application/x-www-form-urlencoded format. When overriding this method, consider overriding * { @link #getBodyContentType()} as well to match the new body format. * * @throws AuthFailureError in the event of auth failure */ public byte[] getBody() throws AuthFailureError { Map

params = getParams(); if (params != null && params.size() > 0) { return encodeParameters(params, getParamsEncoding()); } return null; } /** * Converts
params into an application/x-www-form-urlencoded encoded string. */ private byte[] encodeParameters(Map
params, String paramsEncoding) { StringBuilder encodedParams = new StringBuilder(); try { for (Map.Entry
entry : params.entrySet()) { encodedParams.append(URLEncoder.encode(entry.getKey(), paramsEncoding)); encodedParams.append('='); encodedParams.append(URLEncoder.encode(entry.getValue(), paramsEncoding)); encodedParams.append('&'); } return encodedParams.toString().getBytes(paramsEncoding); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee) { throw new RuntimeException("Encoding not supported: " + paramsEncoding, uee); } } /** * Set whether or not responses to this request should be cached. * * @return This Request object to allow for chaining. */ public final Request
setShouldCache(boolean shouldCache) { mShouldCache = shouldCache; return this; } /** * Returns true if responses to this request should be cached. */ public final boolean shouldCache() { return mShouldCache; } /** * Priority values. Requests will be processed from higher priorities to * lower priorities, in FIFO order. */ public enum Priority { LOW, NORMAL, HIGH, IMMEDIATE } /** * Returns the { @link Priority} of this request; { @link Priority#NORMAL} by default. */ public Priority getPriority() { return Priority.NORMAL; } /** * Returns the socket timeout in milliseconds per retry attempt. (This value can be changed * per retry attempt if a backoff is specified via backoffTimeout()). If there are no retry * attempts remaining, this will cause delivery of a { @link TimeoutError} error. */ public final int getTimeoutMs() { return mRetryPolicy.getCurrentTimeout(); } /** * Returns the retry policy that should be used for this request. */ public RetryPolicy getRetryPolicy() { return mRetryPolicy; } /** * Mark this request as having a response delivered on it. This can be used * later in the request's lifetime for suppressing identical responses. */ public void markDelivered() { mResponseDelivered = true; } /** * Returns true if this request has had a response delivered for it. */ public boolean hasHadResponseDelivered() { return mResponseDelivered; } /** * Subclasses must implement this to parse the raw network response * and return an appropriate response type. This method will be * called from a worker thread. The response will not be delivered * if you return null. * @param response Response from the network * @return The parsed response, or null in the case of an error */ abstract protected Response
parseNetworkResponse(NetworkResponse response); /** * Subclasses can override this method to parse 'networkError' and return a more specific error. * *

The default implementation just returns the passed 'networkError'.

* * @param volleyError the error retrieved from the network * @return an NetworkError augmented with additional information */ protected VolleyError parseNetworkError(VolleyError volleyError) { return volleyError; } /** * Subclasses must implement this to perform delivery of the parsed * response to their listeners. The given response is guaranteed to * be non-null; responses that fail to parse are not delivered. * @param response The parsed response returned by * { @link #parseNetworkResponse(NetworkResponse)} */ abstract protected void deliverResponse(T response); /** * Delivers error message to the ErrorListener that the Request was * initialized with. * * @param error Error details */ public void deliverError(VolleyError error) { if (mErrorListener != null) { mErrorListener.onErrorResponse(error); } } /** * Our comparator sorts from high to low priority, and secondarily by * sequence number to provide FIFO ordering. */ @Override public int compareTo(Request
other) { Priority left = this.getPriority(); Priority right = other.getPriority(); // High-priority requests are "lesser" so they are sorted to the front. // Equal priorities are sorted by sequence number to provide FIFO ordering. return left == right ? this.mSequence - other.mSequence : right.ordinal() - left.ordinal(); } @Override public String toString() { String trafficStatsTag = "0x" + Integer.toHexString(getTrafficStatsTag()); return (mCanceled ? "[X] " : "[ ] ") + getUrl() + " " + trafficStatsTag + " " + getPriority() + " " + mSequence; }}





StringRequest postStringRequest = new StringRequest(Method.POST, "http://m.weather.com.cn/data/101010100.html",                new ResponseListener(), null);        Map
map = new HashMap
(); map.put("params1", "value1"); map.put("params2", "value2"); postStringRequest.setParams(map); mQueue.add(postStringRequest);






3.1 构造函数

/**     * Creates a new request.     * @param method the HTTP method to use     * @param url URL to fetch the JSON from * @param jsonRequest A { @link JSONObject} to post with the request. Null is allowed and * indicates no parameters will be posted along with request. * @param listener Listener to receive the JSON response * @param errorListener Error listener, or null to ignore errors. */ public JsonObjectRequest(int method, String url, JSONObject jsonRequest,      Listener
listener, ErrorListener errorListener) { super(method, url, (jsonRequest == null) ? null : jsonRequest.toString(), listener, errorListener); } /** * Constructor which defaults to
GET if
jsonRequest is *
POST otherwise. * * @see #JsonObjectRequest(int, String, JSONObject, Listener, ErrorListener) */ public JsonObjectRequest(String url, JSONObject jsonRequest, Listener
listener, ErrorListener errorListener) { this(jsonRequest == null ? Method.GET : Method.POST, url, jsonRequest, listener, errorListener); }


3.2 发送请求


JsonObjectRequest request = new JsonObjectRequest("http://m.weather.com.cn/data/101010100.html",                null, new ResponseListener(), new ResponseErrorListener()); mQueue.add(request);
/**     * @author:Jack Tony     * @description :设置响应结果监听器,这里用的是JsonObjectRequest,所以返回的结果是JSONObject     * @date :2015年1月24日     */    private class ResponseListener implements Response.Listener
{ @Override public void onResponse(JSONObject response) { // TODO 自动生成的方法存根 Log.d("TAG", "-------------\n" + response.toString()); } } /** * @author:Jack Tony * @description :访问出错时触发的监听器 * @date :2015年1月28日 */ private class ResponseErrorListener implements Response.ErrorListener { @Override public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) { Log.e("TAG", error.getMessage(), error); } }









3.3 解析Json


     try {                response = response.getJSONObject("weatherinfo");                Log.i(TAG, "City = " + response.getString("city")); } catch (JSONException e) { // TODO 自动生成的 catch 块 e.printStackTrace(); }


private class ResponseListener implements Response.Listener
{ @Override public void onResponse(JSONObject response) { // TODO 自动生成的方法存根 Log.d("TAG", "-------------\n" + response.toString()); try { response = response.getJSONObject("weatherinfo"); Log.i(TAG, "City = " + response.getString("city")); } catch (JSONException e) { // TODO 自动生成的 catch 块 e.printStackTrace(); } } }






/* * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */package com.android.volley.toolbox; import com.android.volley.NetworkResponse; import com.android.volley.ParseError; import com.android.volley.Response; import com.android.volley.Response.ErrorListener; import com.android.volley.Response.Listener; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException; /** * A request for retrieving a { @link JSONArray} response body at a given URL. */ public class JsonArrayRequest extends JsonRequest
{ /** * Creates a new request. * @param url URL to fetch the JSON from * @param listener Listener to receive the JSON response * @param errorListener Error listener, or null to ignore errors. */ public JsonArrayRequest(String url, Listener
listener, ErrorListener errorListener) { super(Method.GET, url, null, listener, errorListener); } @Override protected Response
parseNetworkResponse(NetworkResponse response) { try { String jsonString = new String(response.data, HttpHeaderParser.parseCharset(response.headers)); return Response.success(new JSONArray(jsonString), HttpHeaderParser.parseCacheHeaders(response)); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { return Response.error(new ParseError(e)); } catch (JSONException je) { return Response.error(new ParseError(je)); } } }




@Override     public void onStop() {         for (Request 
req : mRequestQueue) { req.cancel(); } }



@Override      protected void onStop() {          // TODO Auto-generated method stub          super.onStop();          mRequestQueue.cancelAll(this);      }






@Overrideprotected void onStop() {    super.onStop();    mRequestQueue.cancelAll(new RequestQueue.RequestFilter() {        @Override        public boolean apply(Request
request) { // do I have to cancel this? return true; // -> always yes } });}


这样你就不必担心在onResponse被调用的时候用户已经销毁Activity。这种情况下会抛出NullPointerException 异。但是post请求则需要继续,即使用户已经改变了Activity。我们可以通过使用tag来做到,在构造GET请求的时候,添加一个tag给它。

// after declaring your requestrequest.setTag("My Tag");mRequestQueue.add(request);


如果要取消所有指定标记My Tag的请求,只需简单的添加下面的一行代码:

mRequestQueue.cancelAll("My Tag");

这样你就只会取消My Tag请求,让其它请求不受影响。注意你必须手动在销毁的Activity中处理这种情况。

@Override  rotected void onStop() {  // TODO Auto-generated method stub  super.onStop();    mRequestQueue.cancelAll( new RequestFilter() {});  or  mRequestQueue.cancelAll(new Object());




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